Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

18 Ergebnisse.

O Texugo e o grande resgate

Chiew, Suzanne/ Pedler, Caroline
O Texugo e o grande resgate
As crianças irão adorar esta empolgante história sobre um salvamento, coragem e amizade! No seguimento de "O Texugo e a Grande Tempestade", este livro celebra a criatividade, a reciclagem e simpatia. Quando o Texugo e os amigos encontram uma corda, um cesto e um grande tecido no meio da floresta, rapidamente têm ideias brilhantes sobre como os reciclarem. Mas é então que encontram uma toupeira presa numa árvore a precisar de ajuda. Será que os...

CHF 24.00

O Texugo e a grande viagem

Chiew, Suzanne/ Pedler, Caroline
O Texugo e a grande viagem
Oh não, o verão está muito quente e o riacho secou! O Texugo tem um plano para encontrar água, mas a viagem será longa, difícil e encalorada… Será que os amigos encontrarão água antes que seja demasiado tarde?

CHF 23.00

Der kleine Dachs hilft seinen Freunden

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Der kleine Dachs hilft seinen Freunden
Es blitzt und donnert, regnet und stürmt. Der tatkräftige und hilfsbereite Dachs hat alle Pfoten voll zu tun, um die Nester und Höhlen seiner Freunde gegen das Unwetter zu wappnen. Aber wer kümmert sich um seinen Bau unter der alten Eiche?Eine einfühlsame Geschichte über Freundschaft, Hilfsbereitschaft und Neuanfang.Ein Brunnen Kinderbuchklassiker in kleinerem Format zum Sonderpreis.

CHF 11.90

Friends to the Rescue

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Friends to the Rescue
Badger is sitting and reading, enjoying a beautiful day in the woods. Suddenly, Mouse races over. "Look at this rope I found!" she cries. Badger sees a basket in the bushes, and Rabbit finds a large cloth. Then Bird swoops down to tell everyone that there's a mole stuck in a tree! The friends are quick to help out, but how will they get him down? Can Badger come up with a clever plan to save the day?

CHF 13.50

When You Need a Friend

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
When You Need a Friend
Badger is home in the old oak tree when his friend Mouse appears. "Have you heard?" Mouse cries. "There's a terrible storm coming!" Kindhearted Badger works hard to help his friends keep their homes safe. But now he doesn't have time to reinforce his own home. Will it survive the storm?

CHF 16.50

Badger and the Great Adventure

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Badger and the Great Adventure
Tweet tweet! Three little birds have been parted from their flock, and the youngest has hurt her wing! Clever Badger builds a flying machine, and the friends set off on a thrilling adventure. But will they be fast enough to reach the other birds?

CHF 13.90

Der kleine Dachs und das kranke Vögelchen

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Der kleine Dachs und das kranke Vögelchen
Tschiep, tschiep, tschiep!" Drei kleine Schwalben zwitschern verzweifelt, weil sie auf dem Flug in den Süden von ihrem Schwarm getrennt wurden. Das jüngste Vögelchen hat sich nämlich am Flügel verletzt, und seine beiden Freunde wollen es nicht alleinlassen.Der kleine Dachs möchte ihnen gern helfen und hat schließlich eine tolle Idee. Hase und Igel sind auch sofort begeistert, und so bauen die drei Freunde eine geniale Flugmaschine.Ob es ihnen ...

CHF 19.90

Badger and the Big Adventure

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Badger and the Big Adventure
One day, Badger hears a noise outside his house. He discovers that three little birds have been separated from their flock, and the youngest has hurt her wing! The birds stay with Badger for the winter while the youngest recuperates, and when spring comes, it's time for them to try to find their flock. Clever Badger builds a flying machine, and the friends set off on a thrilling adventure. But will they be fast enough to reach the other birds?

CHF 23.90

Badger and the Great Adventure

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Badger and the Great Adventure
Tweet tweet! Three little birds have been parted from their flock, and the youngest has hurt her wing! Clever Badger builds a flying machine, and the friends set off on a thrilling adventure. But will they be fast enough to reach the other birds?

CHF 21.50

Badger and the Great Journey

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Badger and the Great Journey
Badger and friends are enjoying a glorious day in the warm summer sun when they discover the stream has run dry! Badger has a plan to find water, but the journey will be long, hot and hard. Can the friends find water before it's too late?

CHF 13.90

Der kleine Dachs und der ängstliche Maulwurf

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Der kleine Dachs und der ängstliche Maulwurf
Huch, was macht denn der arme Maulwurf auf dem Baum? Wie ist er überhaupt dorthin gekommen? Und wie soll er auf den Boden zurück? Der kleine Dachs und seine Freunde erkennen sofort, dass der kleine Kerl Hilfe braucht, aber was können sie tun? Wie kommt der Maulwurf wieder auf die Erde? Natürlich gibt es eine Lösung, die allerdings mit einigen Opfern und dann mit einer großartigen Überraschung verbunden ist ...

CHF 18.90

Badger and the Great Rescue

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Badger and the Great Rescue
When Badger and his friends find a rope, a basket, and a piece of cloth in the woods, they are quick to think of some brilliant ways of recycling them. But then they discover a mole stuck in a tree who needs their help. Can Badger come up with a clever plan to rescue their new friend in need?

CHF 13.90

Friends to the Rescue

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Friends to the Rescue
Badger is sitting and reading, enjoying a beautiful day in the woods. Suddenly, Mouse races over. "Look at this rope I found!" she cries. Badger sees a basket in the bushes, and Rabbit finds a large cloth. Then Bird swoops down to tell everyone that there's a mole stuck in a tree! The friends are quick to help out, but how will they get him down? Can Badger come up with a clever plan to save the day?

CHF 22.50

When You Need a Friend

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
When You Need a Friend
Badger is home in the old oak tree when his friend Mouse appears. "Have you heard?" Mouse cries. "There's a terrible storm coming!" Kindhearted Badger works hard to help his friends keep their homes safe. But now he doesn't have time to reinforce his own home. Will it survive the storm?

CHF 25.90

Badger and the Great Rescue

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Badger and the Great Rescue
When Badger and his friends find a rope, a basket, and a piece of cloth in the woods, they are quick to think of some brilliant ways of recycling them. But then they discover a mole stuck in a tree who needs their help. Can Badger come up with a clever plan to rescue their new friend in need?

CHF 19.90

Badger and the Great Journey

Chiew, Suzanne / Pedler, Caroline
Badger and the Great Journey
Sequel to the much-loved tales, "Badger & The Great Storm" and "Badger & The Great Rescue", with beautiful illustrations. Helps to inform kids about the importance of water conservation in a new tale about friendship and courage. Ages: 3-6yrs

CHF 19.90